We wanted to create a little page for you to be able to find out a bit more about us... we are Sydney and Evie, two 21 year old girls that have recently graduated from University together and now just so happen to work two streets away from one another in Central London, which is a little bit convenient. 

We have always enjoyed writing, studying History (Sydney) and Eng Lit and Philosophy (Evie) at University we both wanted to go into Media related careers, after leaving uni we were introduced to the world of PR and now we obviously work in the same industry. It is apparently impossible to separate us.

Our number one favourite thing to do is have a laugh (usually at each other), we're either embarrassing ourselves or taking the mic out of one another. It's typically Sydney former and Evie latter. If we aren't doing one of those two things we're chatting about everything fashion/beauty/skincare/lifestyle/travel related.

Therefore our love for writing (literally we love and very much miss writing essays) and all the above has led us to create a place we can share all our thoughts and opinions on the things we love the most!

And finally, if you had to sum us both up in a sentence... Sydney loves dogs and Evie loves Chris Brown.

Hope you stick around and enjoy!

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